Monday 14 April 2014

History Of Social Networks

Social Media History: A Chronology

- 1969-1st Commercial Online Service by CompuServe.

- 1971- First Email.

- 1978- BBS Bulletin Board Systems.

- 1979- News Groups.

- 1989- World Wide Web Introduced.

-1994-First Blog Created by Swarthmore student.

- 1997- 1st Modern Social Network launched Six Degrees was the first modern social network. It allowed users to create a profile and to become friends with other users. Had about 1 million members at its peak popularity.

- 1999- Blog Platform, Blogger, launched.

- 2003-Social Networking & Bookmarking Sites appear Linkedln launched.

- 2004-Facebook launched.

- 2005- YouTube launched.

- 2006-  Twitter launched.


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